
Remote Healing Sessions
Laurie, 59 yrs
"It took 3 sessions spaced a week apart between my cancer diagnosis and my CT scan for Jessica to find the cancer and extract it."
"I started seeing Jessica for remote energy healing sessions right before receiving a breast cancer diagnosis. In my first session with her, her attention was called to my root chakra, which was in terrible condition. I'd been suffering from depression and lack of energy for years, and after seeing my root chakra, Jessica commented that she was surprised that I could even get out of bed in the mornings. Apparently when your root chakra isn't healthy, the body really struggles to heal itself. My second session with her took place during the biopsy of a lump in my breast. She suggested it could help with both the pain and amount of time it would take for the incision to heal if she was working on me as the biopsy was happening. During that session, she had a vision of two owls. When she told me about it afterward, I was shocked- I was talking about owls with the nurse as they were prepping me! Then when I told my husband about the owls, he said that he and his coworker were talking about owls on their way to work as my biopsy was happening. That was proof for me that even though Jessica wasn't physically with me during my sessions, she was absolutely tapping in energetically. It was also a clear indication that there was a powerful message coming through that was connected to owl symbolism, which Jessica helped me decode.
After receiving my biopsy results, which showed I did have cancer, I was told I would have to wait several weeks before I could get a CT scan to see if it had spread beyond my breast. I was panicked that I would have to wait so long. Jessica said the cancer was spirit's way to deliver a message and that we could use that time between my diagnosis and my scan to bring awareness to the root cause and to shift the energy. She said I was at a choice point and I that got to be the one to decide what it was going to take to make the shifts that spirit was asking of me. Did I think I needed to go through the suffering associated with the conventional method of treatment (chemo and radiation) to have the life altering shift that was needed to heal my body? My answer was no. To me, chemo was almost as scary as the cancer itself. I chose to trust in my body's ability to heal itself through self love, self nurturing and awareness. I chose to believe that I was worthy of the miracles that I've heard about happening to other people. I've always had such a strong connection to my divine team, and Jessica reminded me of how much love and support I was being showered with from my life-long cheerleaders and protectors on the other side. She assured me this wasn't a punishment, but rather a wake-up call that I wasn't living in alignment with the path I had planned for myself. She said over and over that this was not happening TO me, but FOR me. So I decided to surrender and follow the guidance that came through for me with an open mind and an open heart. I decided to believe that this was a chance to improve my life instead of being the beginning of the end of my life. I had hope. Between the diagnosis and the CT scan, I changed my diet to foods I believed supported and nourished my healing body. I pampered myself and told those nearest and dearest to me what I needed to feel nurtured. I became very aware of the stories I was holding onto that no longer served me. It took 3 sessions spaced a week apart between my cancer diagnosis and my CT scan for Jessica to find the cancer and extract it. That last session was so powerful and it was the first one where I could physically feel the work she was doing from 103 miles away. I felt both dizzy and peaceful simultaneously. When she called me after the healing portion of the session to tell me she thought she got what was causing cancer out, we were both in tears. She said she could feel what the emotion felt like as it was leaving my body as if it were her own. She got the sense that it had been there for a very long time, possibly carried over from another lifetime. I believed I was healed, she believed I was healed, and the CT scan and biopsy that followed shortly after that final session confirmed that what we believed was correct. I was cancer free and the only outside intervention I received was energy healing from Jessica."

Remote Healing Sessions
Scarlett, 18 mos
"All we know is that when the healings started, so did the miracles."
"My 18 month old daughter was on her death bed after contracting e.coli and the hospital failed to manage her fluids correctly. She underwent 2 hours and 36 minutes of CPR -- she died 42 times and came back 43. She was in kidney failure, required a ventilator, was paralyzed on the left side of her body, and was on life support for eight days. She required constant blood transfusions totaling somewhere around 40. The nephrologist, with over 30 years practicing, told us with certainty at 4 weeks that her kidneys weren’t coming back and that she wouldn’t be a candidate for a transplant with the extent of her brain damage.
The rehab doc said she had a blank stare and couldn't regulate her body temperature, which are two really bad signs neurologically. The neurologist and many other experienced doctors told us that if she survives, walking and talking were 'off the table of possibilities'. The medical community, as a whole, advised us to say our goodbyes, take her off of life support, and let her pass.
My husband and I couldn’t do it. We couldn’t wake up everyday for the rest of our lives not knowing had we given her the chance...what if? So we did give her the chance. We started following our own inner guidance and leaned less on what the doctors were laying out in front of us. We went public with our story. The outpouring of love and support from friends, family, and complete strangers embracing us through the darkness was overwhelming. It is truly what got us through this.
One friend that heard our story was Jessica, who was at the end of her training in energy healing. She offered to do sessions on Scarlett. It was shortly after the healings began that things started to shift and we started seeing miracles happen. Every-time we hit a new wall, Jessica did another healing. NONE of the medical staff could believe the improvements Scarlett was making. Her
MRI did not reflect what they were seeing with their own eyes. There was no medical explanation for what was happening. One doctor couldn't even believe she was the same baby he saw 3 weeks ago, as we were strolling the hospital in a little red wagon.
Today Scarlett is a walking, talking, eating, peeing, breathing miracle! She far surpassed any odds given to her. Her story is unbelievable and she continues to heal and improve everyday. It’s hard to put into words this journey and impossible to give credit to any one thing that brought our daughter back to us. With all the medical interventions, enormous amount of prayers going up for her, our resolve and determination that we weren't going to lose her, and her own strong will to survive this, we will never know the full extent of the effects that Jessica's healings had on her. All we know is that when the healings started, so did the miracles!
The messages coming through to Jessica during the healing sessions brought peace and hope and helped me feel connected to my daughter despite her being completely unresponsive initially. With wires and tubes all over her body, all I could manage to touch were her lifeless legs while she was on life support. As I placed my hands on them, I said prayers asking to cleanse the blood of the transfusions coming into her body while envisioning a shield around her for protection. Jessica told me specific things like this that I could do for my daughter, which gave me back some of my personal power at a time when I felt so helpless.
Now that the dust has settled, I've asked Jessica to start working with me on my own healing journey, and I'm looking forward to the journey it will take me on to heal my soul."

Remote Healing Session
AJ, 2 1/2 yrs
"Just a few days after the healing, he started improving and then completely started healing to where he was able to go home 3 months earlier than expected. "
"My friend's son had a full intestinal transplant and was expected to be hospitalized for 6 months after the procedure while doctors monitored his recovery. A few weeks after the operation, things took a turn for the worse and his body starting rejecting the transplant. I reached out to Jessica to see if she could help.
During the healing session, she witnessed the transplant that was in rejection leave his body and then watched as a new, healthy one was lowered down by two other sets of hands. She said it was like she was watching two ethereal surgeons perform a procedure on him while she held space. Multiple plant essences showed up to help him. There were also messages that came through for me regarding my connection with AJ and my own healing abilities. I was on a retreat training to be a reki healer while all of this was happening. She was shown in his session that I was his healer and that his healing journey was connected to me stepping into my role as a healer.
Just a few days after the healing, he started improving and then completely started healing to where he was able to go home 3 months earlier than expected.
It's been about a year since the transplant, and I'm so happy to report that he's doing great. He went from being a reserved and sweet boy who spent the entire beginning of his life in pain and discomfort to being sassy and confident now that he finally feels good."

In-Person Healing Session
Debbie, 56 yrs
"I believe the healing Jessica did saved my life."
"Prior to meeting Jessica I had been very ill. The medical profession could not treat me because after all the testing, they weren't able to find anything to treat me for. I had never been as sick as I was. It felt different. I was becoming very concerned because I was not getting better but nothing could be found that was wrong with me. I actually felt like I was dying. My health as I knew it was gone. My memory was failing. It felt like my body was slowly shutting down, and nobody could help. I had no idea what to do.
Jessica is a new neighbor that had mentioned she did energy healing. Despite feeling very nervous about it, I decided to give it a try. We spoke for a long time before the session, but that did not ease the nervousness I was experiencing. It wasn't until the healing session began and Jessica put her hands on my feet that a sense of calm and peace came over me. The feeling lasted as she worked her way up the right side of my leg. When she moved to my left leg, everything changed. I began to experience heat and agitation that made me break out into a sweat. I literally felt and could see something leave me. It felt like a very heavy blanket had lifted off of me. Then I saw the most beautiful blue color I have ever seen. Everything was color then--green and orange mostly. Then she placed her hands on my head and there was the most peaceful blackness with very small but bright white lights.
After the session, Jessica was hesitant to share all the details of what she had seen. She could tell I was having a difficult time processing the experience and I told her I needed to know everything. She went on to share the details and as she spoke, I told her that I felt and saw everything she was describing. It was repressed rage that I had been carrying with me since childhood that had taken on a form of its own and was destroying me from the inside. The removal of it felt like a personal loss - that angry child had been with me since I was five. Once it was gone, my journey back to health began. I had to learn who I was without this physical heaviness that had been with me for most of my life.
I believe the healing Jessica did saved my life."

Remote Healing Session
Rachel, 42 yrs
"Everything I was expecting and more."
"Jessica has been one of my favorite people since we met as coworkers in a corporate environment over a decade ago. When I read that she was changing careers to pursue a path as a healer, it resonated with every bone in my body. I could not wait to book a session with her!
It’s been everything I was expecting and more. After one introductory session, I felt a renewed sense of clarity. The way I see my connections to others, myself and my journey here on earth are already changing. She and I are going to accomplish big things together. I’m looking forward to continuing to learn from her and benefit from her God-given gifts. She’s the real deal and I’m grateful she’s sharing her light with the world.
She’s a powerful woman with an impressive bank of energetic healing wisdom. I cannot wait to see where this exciting journey will take her."

Remote & In-Person Healing Sessions
Haley, 41 yrs
"Since our last session, I have had a profound feeling of calmness that I have not felt in a long time."
"Jessica has done a few healing sessions on me. Since our last session, I have had a profound feeling of calmness that I have not felt in a long time. This has allowed my anxiety to ease and my nervous system to heal after going through a really tough year of transition. Additionally, she communicated messages from my spirit guides and loved ones about how I need to be spending my energy. They sent a strong message to STOP, be in the present moment, and to take time to rest and heal. Receiving this communication from my Divine Team has been such a beautiful reminder that we are not alone, and that we are loved and protected. This reminder has brought me so much peace about my journey."

Remote Healing Sessions
Chrissy, 40 yrs
"She provided a healing that I haven’t felt before."
"After sessions with Jessica, I have more clarity about the reasons behind my current suffering. She was able to help me identify a strong mind body connection. She provided a healing that I haven’t felt before. Before our sessions, I felt stuck in seeing signs and not making sense of them. Jessica helped me find meaning in things that are happening in my life. After our talks I was usually in tears in the truthful realization of the healing process she was doing in me. Through her energy healing, she gave me confidence about my future. I would recommend to anyone seeking clarity and feeling like their body is holding them back from what their mind wants."

In-Person Healing Session
Reiner, 63 yrs
"It is now several months later & the effects of the healing continue."
"Jessica asked if she could do a healing on me as part of her training. Not knowing anything about the process, keeping an open mind, & with the thought of "Can't hurt, might help", I accepted. I have accumulated five herniated discs in my back during my work life, with the associated pain & stiffness. Jessica proceeded with the healing & discovered some "interesting" things present in my chakras, which she adjusted. The end result was significant reduction of the pain & stiffness in my back at the time. It is now several months later & the effects of the healing continue. Apparently, Energy Healing is a real thing & Jessica has a talent for it. I am impressed."

Remote Healing Session
Stephen, 50 yrs
"I'd recommend this therapy to anyone hoping to explore new avenues and techniques to revive self-awareness and well-being."
"I had a remote, energy-work session with Jessica and found the experience to bring immense calm and peace to the moment that lasted well into the next few days. I've practiced various meditation techniques through the years and found this treatment to be far easier to participate in by simply allowing Jess to be the practitioner and do her thing. Before the session, Jess briefly explained her methodology and processes and before you know it I was relaxed and fully focused on receiving the healing that was to take place. I'd recommend this therapy to anyone hoping to explore new avenues and techniques to revive self-awareness and well-being. The clearing of negative energies allows spiritual healing to take place, reconnecting us to the inner, higher state of consciousness that lies within all of us."

In-Person Healing Session
Ashton, 38 yrs
"Within a day of the healing I felt like I could go back to normal life."
"I've done several 'maintenance' sessions with Jessica. I have trouble focusing and quieting my mind, and the peace that fills me during the sessions always pulls me into a deep state of both physical and mental relaxation.
I recently slipped on some icy stairs and took a pretty hard hit to my ribs. Rib injuries cannot really be treated per se, it's mostly a matter of toughing it out until your body heals itself. The pain was bad enough that I couldn't roll over in my sleep. Standing up or bending over was a big problem. Luckily for me, I'm married to a healer, who I asked for help. She worked her magic, and during the session, the heat coming from her hands brought almost instantaneous relief. The pain went from about an 8 down to a 2 or 3. Within a day of the healing I felt like I could go back to normal life. I returned to the gym, started sleeping again and was able to do yard work."

Remote Healing Session
Shirazeh, 27 yrs
"Shortly after the session was complete, I got an unexpected call from one of the people I received a cord clearing with, and it felt like there was definite and positive a shift in our connection."
"I came to Jessica feeling like things were hectic and unsettled. I told her I was seeking contentment and looking to become more present in my day-to-day life. I am in a season of a lot of change in my personal and professional life and I began the session not fully knowing what I wanted to gain from it.
During Jessica's scan of my field prior to the healing, she was shown that some relationship cord work was needed. She explained that the particular relationships that were showing up for healing also impact all other relationships in my life.
It really resonated with me because at the time, I was experiencing boundary issues within a close relationship and was not looking forward to the difficult conversation that I knew couldn't put off any longer.
Shortly after the session was complete, I got an unexpected call from one of the people I received a cord clearing with, and it felt like there was definite and positive a shift in our connection. I also felt much more peaceful just in general, and the feeling stayed with me for several days. The difficult conversation I was about to have also felt less dreadful. I feel more serene and aware that life moves in unexpected directions. Jessica also gave me an incredible grounding technique that I now use on a regular basis when things feel hectic. I'm certain some things shifted in the session and am looking forward to seeing what comes up for healing in future sessions."

In-Person Healing Sessions
Shelby, 31 yrs
"It's like therapy for your mind, body, and soul, and I could not recommend her more!"
"I've had multiple healing sessions with Jessica in the past six months. Here are a few of my takeaways! Jessica is always welcoming and professional. Her at home studio is peaceful and relaxing.
Personally, I feel like there's a better awareness after a healing. I had back pain for a while and Jessica explained to me that is caused by a feeling of being unsupported. After identifying where that lack of support was coming from (a family member) and talking about it, the back pain went away.
Jessica instantly makes you feel comfortable and is open to answering any questions before, during, and after a session, and really takes her time talking through all the emotions that come up along the way.
It's like therapy for your mind, body, and soul, and I could not recommend her more!"