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Everything is composed of energy. The experiences and relationships we attract into our lives are reflections of what we are emitting out into the world energetically, and our physical bodies are manifestations of our energetic fields. If you started to see every experience, relationship, or the state of your health as a message, what would that message be?


Through energy healing sessions, those messages are often revealed more clearly to the healer, and sometimes directly to the healee. Discovering the root cause of the symptom is the first step towards healing. That root can be a familiar mindset or belief that's no longer serving you, an unhealed trauma, something passed down through your lineage, a repressed emotion that's taken on a life of it's own inside of your field...


When there is a message, there is often a shift in lifestyle or mindset that is required for healing. There is a need for awareness and attention and sometimes action on your part. In these cases, the healing energy being channeled into your field and the messages that come through for you are all there to provide support for your healing journey, which you will need to be an active participant in.


At times, there is no call to action on your part - the root cause of the symptom(s) is just stuck energy, energy that isn't yours, trauma that is no longer serving it's original purpose of shaping your experience...once it's removed, instantaneous healing can take place. 


Healing happens in layers, and the root cause of symptoms that guided you to seek out energy healing in the first place may not be the first thing that comes up for healing. I am a channel for healing energy and a messenger. I am guided to where I should focus my attention.




During a session, I'm predominately using clairvoyance (seeing) and clairsentience (feeling). What I am shown are areas that need attention (healing) or images that relay a message. Sometimes I will feel the areas that need attention on your body, in my own body. I've also had plants, animals and loved ones (both deceased and living) show up in sessions to provide information or aid.


Clairaudience (hearing) comes and goes for me, and is typically more active after the healing portion of the session when I'm seeking more information about something I saw or felt during the session. I often connect to this information while in meditation and sometimes through automatic writing. Every now and then I will hear a very loud and clear word or phrase during the session itself to share with the healee.


I've asked that I only receive information that you're ready for me to share with you. With that said, I've had a few sessions where I don't see, hear or feel much of anything at all.  The first time this happened was during my training. I thought I wasn't connected to the person's energy body and made several attempts to connect before just deciding to move forward with the motions of the healing. This ended up being the first healing I'd done where the healee experienced complete relief from the back pain they'd been enduring for years, after only that one session.


Some of the things I'm shown in a session don't make sense to me but I will share them with you in case they mean something to you. In instances where they don't initially make sense to either of us, I've sometimes gotten clarity in sessions that follow or through meditation at a later time. Sometimes the clarity will come directly to you days or weeks after the session.




Regardless of whether the session is in-person or remote, your experience of the session itself will vary from session to session and will be unique to you. The 1 hour sessions that include discussion begin with us talking about anything you feel the need to share with me. That can include your reasons for seeking energy healing, anything going on in your life that you're looking for help with or clarity on, health related concerns, areas of life you're feeling stuck in, relationship issues, etc. You can also use this time to ask me any questions you have about energy healing or what to expect. This portion of the session shouldn't last more than 15 minutes or so.


For the healing portion of the session it's ideal that the healee be in a state of physical and mental stillness - essentially in a meditative state. If the person finds that being in stillness is hard to achieve, I recommend they try to focus on the sensations of their body throughout the session. This helps to keep them awake and also helps to keep them out of their heads.


I will call in your energy body, and go through whatever motions I'm guided to as if you are physically in front of me. Remember, all the work an energy healer does is to your energy body, not your physical body - that's why remote sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions. If you are sensitive to energy, you may feel spinning, tingling, tugging or changes in temperature. Some people feel pressure or like a weight is being lifted off of them. You may have visions or messages come through directly to you. You may feel emotions flood through you or have tears flow . Whatever the experience, just let it move through you and try not to analyze what's coming up for you so that you can remain in a state of flow and receptivity.


After the healing is complete, and while the healee remains in a relaxed state, I may take a few minutes to receive additional information on things that may have come up during a session that I need more clarity on. I may also do some automatic writing to see if there are any additional messages that want to come through for you. 


Before the 1 hour session ends, I will call the healee to discuss our experiences during the session, I will share any information that came through including any steps you can take after the session to hold the changes.  For the 30 minute sessions, I will send this information via a written transcript.




In most cases, you will be the best judge in determining the frequency and duration of follow-up sessions. Unless you're experiencing a terminal illness, I don't recommend sessions closer than 3-4 weeks apart. You want to give yourself time to hold the changes on your own. You should feel different after your sessions - more peaceful and lighter at the very least. Depending on what came up for clearing, you may experience a shift in your relationships or how you move through (and respond to) your world. The primary purpose of these sessions is to give you a clear and healthy slate (energetically), and also to bring awareness. If the message that comes out of a session calls for action on your part, you will be supported in taking that next step.


Awareness is key. When you start feeling off, either physically, emotionally or mentally, and it lasts several days, it may be time for another session. An increase in clumsiness or reactivity to your environment (or the people in it) are also indicators that your energy is off. Our outer world is a direct reflection of what we are emanating. If what the outside world is mirroring back to you through experiences and relationships feels out of sync, or like it has taken a turn in an unpleasant direction, its time for another session.




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